We manage your landing in the USA

Comprehensive solutions for your needs.

About Us

We are a Miami-based company with global reach, specialized in integrating business solutions.

We are a group of interdisciplinary professionals with training in ​​logistics and services. We understand the concept of integral logistics for what it really is, the support in all fields to a company or group so that that group can fulfill its main function delegating the rest to us.

Our goal is to support business growth when entering a new market. We offer to support disembarkation in the US in an orderly, efficient, and correct manner. We focus on the needs of each client, providing comprehensive support, from the beginning with the opening of your company, business, or branch to the end of the process with all the necessary authorizations to operate, taxes, rentals, legal guidance and integration as necessary to get your business up and running.

Our services are truly comprehensive and tailor-made, we will not only support the start of the company, but also your personal and family arrival in the best way. We work with several trusted immigration law firms that will help in the immigration process, while our team will support the arrival and new life of people.

Our goal is commitment to the client, understanding that companies are made up of people who need to take care of their business. We take care of the rest, the entire legal and bureaucratic commercial structure of both the company and the family, so that your mind can exploit its virtues and dedicate itself exclusively to growth in the largest market in the world.


To be a reliable strategic ally that managed to advance a few years ago and awaits you in the US with everything you need so that your business and new life is ready when you arrive.


Accompany in the preliminary and initial phase the arrival of new companies, through the different services that we provide comprehensively so that the training and expansion of your organization is efficient, considering that for this we must support people.


Responsibility. Commitment. Excellence. Continuity. Efficiency.


We accompany you in a comprehensive way to start your business in the US, for this we have a group of professionals and Partners with experience and capacity who will do for you from the USA all the previous and initial administrative and bureaucratic phase. We will provide you with a personalized advisor in the first steps of your business who will represent you in your absence and then accompany you during the first months of your arrival.

Services designed for your business

  • Opening of your company or branch.
  • Obtaining EIN.
  • Advice and opening of commercial bank account.
  • Analysis and determination of the appropriate location for its headquarters. Local zoning analysis.
  • Advice and representation with real estate agents (realtor).
  • Rental and preparation of the necessary documentation for your Warehouse or office.
  • National, state and municipal registrations and licenses (FDA, TAX and other licenses).
  • Compulsory insurance depending on the case.
  • Local tax registrations.
  • Foreign trade (we are importers and you can operate through us until you have your own license).
  • Forwarder.
  • Market analysis.
  • Initial advice on marketing.
  • Website creation and digital marketing.

Services designed for you and your family

  • Advice and work in conjunction with trusted law firms to relate your company with your immigration status and that of your family, case analysis and orientation.
  • Orientation and joint search for housing for your family group, advice regarding the necessary documentation and types of contract.
  • Orientation with mobility, purchase vs rental of vehicles.
  • Advice on education for your minor children.
  • Health advice.
  • Comprehensive advice tailored to your situation.

Oportunidades de negocio

En esta sección te acercamos una serie de oportunidades de negocio para lograr que tu llegada a EEUU sea completa. Desde el punto de vista Legal (visa), Económica (con tu negocio funcionando) y familiar (integramos casa, colegio y auto).

Encontraras oportunidades a un costo accesible que incluye TODO desde la creación de la empresa, visa de inversionista para el grupo familiar, armado real del negocio, plan de negocio, alquiler de tu casa los primeros meses, tu auto y asesoramiento integral en todo aspecto. El precio que se indica en cada oportunidad incluye todos los gastos, costos y honorarios. Sin sorpresas.

If you have any concerns, be sure to contact us!

Contact Us

Complete the form with your information and your query.

An advisor will be in touch shortly.


7771 NW 7th ST Miami, Fl 33126


Phone / WhatsApp:

+1 (321) 310-6967 / +1 (321) 978-2674

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